Thursday, 6 December 2007

Au secours pardon by F. Beigbeder

"Love lasts for 3 years" I experienced as a play and fell in love with it .Maybe it was the "in bar theater" though it wasn't the first ...either way. I liked it.
My second encounter with the his work was with another play in a similar location, made after "99 francs" . Decent. Guess I'd seen one to many bar-plays and had higher expectations. Still I like the idea of it , despite not agreeing with it one bit. Too much of the "Advertising people are people too".
Oh please!
Plus, now the "HR" people are the new "advertising people"
So Beigbeder picked up on this and thus a new book popped up "Au secours pardon".
Long story short, bought it the day it hit the shelves.
And what better place to read it that on a plane? Bucharest - Brussels.
I expected to get threw it like it was an Anne Rice book...I should have figured it out .Maybe this was his "Memnoch" .
Threw the first half of the book everything word I read in my head reverberated in the voice of a "HR" guy I met and had to brush off(of course he'd read the early books, so I wouldn't know if he was a product of Beigbeder's or.... well some other day).

Uhm... if the subject of his book was Moscow or some for of criticism on modern french society that was successfully achieved. And I appreciate it immensely .
As for ....the story. No. Not really. Not for me.
It would have been a bit simpler to classify if it was shocking. All the gratuitous porn . The excessive description of excess .Just doesn't work for me.
So, like the message as opposed to the means of delivery.

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