Again from the "retroactive" category a gig from almost a month ago.
It's a band I've been meaning to see for quite a while now, mostly 'cause I kept hearing about they have gigs and we don't have all that many bands that do a lot of gig that one actually hears of. Plus the songs on their myspace sounded promising , despite the sound not being of top quality.
Grimus is a band from Cluj, that have been playing for a while now which is quite obvious in their live performance and stage presence --trust me, after one very painful afternoon in Live Metal Club I know all too well about poor stage presence-- , romanian winners of Global Battle of the Bands, only recently singed to a label -- maybe one of the reasons all the songs you can track down on the internet by them don't do them justice-- from Italy -- and a good thing since I doubt a romanian label would do them justice -- with an album on the way and more developments on the way, according to the guys.
It's been almost a month since I saw them live and I couldn't actually say something in particular about it, specially since I just saw Coma live last week , however I am going to their next gig in Bucharest , on the 28 at Suburbia, which should be a good evaluation of their previous performance ...and this time I'll be able to sing along with what seemed a decent fan base that they seem to have here .